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We have now begun using the suite of apps/programs. In fact, we began using the church management program at  the beginning of the year. Here is a quick overview of how we are using

  • Newsletter - The monthly newsletter will be online and emailed out each month. (Paper copies will be mailed out to those who do not have email access.) The online newsletter is tied to our website so it is easy to have all the information both sent out via the newsletter and also available on the website all the time.
  • Website - We launched our new website a couple of months ago. I hope you have checked it out. Our website serves two primary functions: 1) provides information for our members, and 2) provides information and an access point for people who are interested in learning more about Central. (Most people will check out a church's website before coming to worship for the first time.)
  • Online giving - If you are currently using online giving through Vanco, we would ask that you switch and begin using There are two reasons for making the change to First, has lower fees . Second, when using,  your contributions are automatically entered into your giving statement. Making a donation or setting up a recurring payment is very easy. CLICK HERE or go to our website and click on the GIVE tab and then the GIVE ONLINE NOW button.  You can then make a one-time donation from either a credit card or bank account, or set up a recurring donation. One of the other features of online giving through is that you can contribute to the General Fund Offerings, the Mission of the Month, or to a Memorial.
  • Church Management system - This program is where all our membership records are kept, including your financial contributions (which makes sending out end-of-year giving statements very easy). One task that needs our attention is updating our membership records. Our previous church management system was only used to record contributions, it contained little or no other membership information. We are working on finding the best ways to let our members know what information we have, so that we can either update old information or add missing information.