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It sometimes comes as a surprise to people, but the Northwest Washington Synod is a companion synod with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in European Russia (ELCER). For several years many of our congregations – at one time almost twenty – were connected to Lutheran congregations in Russia to share ideas, fund certain projects, learn about one another, and, most importantly, build relationships with our Lutheran siblings in Russia. Unfortunately, many of these relationships have faltered or broken down in the last few years. However, recently I was fortunate to meet up with some of our Russian Lutheran siblings and I am excited about new possibilities and new relationships.

Before I tell you about my recent trip, let me first give you some history about the Lutheran Church in Russia. Since the Protestant Reformation, there has been a Lutheran Church in Russia. While we often think that Russia only has Orthodox churches, it is interesting to note that Lutherans have persevered and endured for over 500 years in Russia – through different czars, wars, persecution as a minority church, the Soviet Union, and more - dedicated to sharing the good news of Jesus with all.

Today there are three Russian Lutheran Synods who have ELCA companion synods: The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Ingria in Russia (ELCIR) – companion synod Northeastern Minnesota, the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of the Urals, Siberia, and the Far East (ELCUSFE)– companion synod Central States, and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in European Russia (ELCER) – companion synod Northwest Washington.

Our companion synod, ELCER, is located primarily in St. Petersburg and Moscow along with other areas around these cities. In the recent history of ELCER, Bishop and Archbishop Dietrich Brauer had to move with his family from Russia to Germany for safety after speaking against the war when Russia invaded Ukraine. Following this, the ELCER then elected a new bishop. He sadly died a few months after taking office. The ELCER then elected another new bishop and archbishop in 2023. The new bishop is Bishop Sergei Holzwert and the Archbishop is Vladimir Provorov.

Because we in the ELCA are dedicated to renewing our relationship with our Russian Lutheran siblings, and because we are unable to travel to each other’s country right now due to the war in Ukraine, it was arranged that representatives from ELCA Churchwide, the three Russian synods, and the three ELCA synods would meet in a neutral country. We were blessed to have twenty of us together from the ELCA and the Russian synods gather in September 2024 to build relationships, share ideas, and worship together in Novi Sad, Serbia. It was such a blessing to be in Novi Sad with Pastor Hector Garfias-Toledo and Ms. Mary Muller representing the NWWA Synod and to be with Bishop Sergei Holzwert, Archbishop Vladimir Provorov, and Pastor Ivan Shirokov representing the ELCER.

We learned from our brothers that it has been difficult these last few years. The isolation they feel from the rest of the world in hard. They also have political division in their congregations as well as a shortage of pastors. It has also been a meaningful and joyful time. They were excited to share that many people have joined the church during these difficult years. As we shared our hopes and dreams we together talked about how to have more youth involved, how to do more lay ministry, and what are some educational opportunities. It was a full and rich conversation as we each shared and listened to one another.

After learning and discussing, and after beginning to rebuild relationships, we ended our time committing ourselves to these next steps:

  • Establishing/renewing our covenant with one another
  • Establishing a communication committee that will meet regularly with one another
  • Have both parties feel that they are part of the universal church’
  • Share experiences in social programs
  • Have a gathering of youth from both synods – perhaps meet in Georgia (the country)
  • Collaborate on lay ministry and what lay ministry looks like in both sites
  • Have a Zoom in the next two months to continue to build relationships
  • Have youth involvement in all of these things

I am excited about the possibilities before us as we live into being the body of Christ together. If you would like to hear more about this trip and ways to be involved, you are invited to come to the next meeting with the NWWA Russian Team on Saturday, October 12 at 1 PM at Trinity Lutheran, Lynnwood. We hope you can come.

As we read on the ELCA website regarding being a companion synod:

We are a church that believes God is calling us into the world — together. Companion church relationships enrich and deepen our ministries by exposing us to global challenges and perspectives as we seek to work with one another to build up the body of Christ and the world. 

May it be so through the Holy Spirit.

+Bishop Shelley Bryan Wee /