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This year we will be sharing Lenten worship services with Faith, Trinity, and Zion (The Gathering)  Lutheran Churches. These four congregations will take turns hosting the Lenten worship services.  Here is the schedule:

  • Ash Wednesday worship, March 5, will be at Faith Lutheran located at 6708 Cady Rd.
  • The five Wednesday Evening services, March 12 – April 9, will be at Zion Lutheran (The Gathering) located at 4634 Alger Ave.
  •  Maundy Thursday worship, April 17, will be here at Central.
  • Good Friday worship , April 18, will be at Trinity Lutheran located at 2324 Lombard Ave.

All worship services will begin at 6:30 pm.

This is a wonderful opportunity to gather and worship with members of other Lutheran congregations here in Everett.